It is time for my annual vintage countdown to Valentine's Day. Those of you who follow my blog know that I was lucky enough this summer to have a few vendors at the flea market I frequent that know of my site and were collecting paper items to sell to me at a fair price. This came from a large book of vintage postcards that one of the vendors saved for me. There were several hundred postcards in the book. I was in heaven when she handed the book to me. As I know you will be when you see the cards. She said she has a few more books. So hopefully she will bring them to the market when it opens in the spring. As always feel free to use any of the images on my website in your artwork but please do not post or sell the original image on the web in a group or collection. If you use one in a project and post it to your site please link it back to here or leave a comment in the comments section of the image on this site so we can all enjoy. I love to see what you create. That is what inspires me to post and collect more vintage items. Without further ado here are the cards.