Saturday, November 15, 2014

Saturday Image Bonus 342

These images are the covered of an 1895 Vick's Illustrated Catalogue of Hardy Bulbs and Plants.

Unfortunately, I have noticed on the internet that people are starting to post my images on stock images sites and oddly tattoo image sites.  The strange thing is they post it as their own but do not bother to change the name.  They use the name from my post such as Clearly Vintage Thanksgiving Postcard.   No link back to me or sources information.  Some of my long time followers know this happens to me from time to time and how disillusioned I get.  Though these images are not my drawings, they are from books I own or have owned.  I scan and repair the images.  Some of the images are very damaged and I spend hours repairing.  It is a labor of love because I know how much you appreciate having this site as a source.  I appreciate you using my images in exchange all I ask is while posting please direct people back to this site.  Please do not post more than a fingernail image on your site or blog.   This includes Pinterest.  Make sure if you use my image to link back to this site so people can get the large size image directly from me.  

Ok.  This is the end of my rant.  I appreciate all my loyal followers and love to see projects done with my images.  Please post in the comments when you use an image so we can all enjoy your work. 

Keep an eye out for some exciting news.  I will be revamping my site soon and need your help.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Cora - these will be interesting to use with the coloured background.
