I have been looking through many seed catalogues try to decide what and if to buy seeds for this spring. I love to grow flowers, herbs and vegetables from seed. Usually I stary thousands of plants from seed and share them with friends and family. Unfortunately, this year I am so busy with work I'm not sure I will have time to garden. So do I or don't I? Anyway in honor of all of you who are looking through seed catalogues and dreaming of warmer times. Here are some images from a 1883 Peter Henderson Seed catalogue that I have scanned. I just love these drawings. You could even use them as digital stamps. Here is link to whole group of Peter Henderson seed catalogue covers. This is a link to the Smithsonian site with over 10,000 catalogue images. So make sure you explore the site. You will be in awe. I hope you enjoy. I know I copied dozens before deciding I could alway come back and copy more. I think I see a challenge in our future using all of these wonderful catalogue images.
As always feel free to use any of the images on my website in your artwork but please do not post or sell the original image on the web in a group or collection. If you use one in a project and post it to your site please link it back to here or leave a comment in the comments section of the image on this site so we can all enjoy. I love to see what you create. That is what inspires me to post and collect more vintage items.
Thanks so much for this wonderfull link, I alwayes enjoy your freeebies and have collected a lot.
I went to the permission side of the link you gave us, and there it seems like one have to pay an amount to use there pictures!!!
Did I understand that wrong ? or do one have to do that.
I so hope you will send me a quick note on that.
Have a great satturday.
Thanks for these wonderful images and the link. That celery image is fab - I'll have to see what I can do with that
Claire xx
Thank you SO much for the link to the Smithsonian! Exploring the links that creative bloggers (such as yourself) provide are reservoirs of much inspiration. I do wonder, though, if the question posed by Dorthe has been answered. As far as my non-legal brain understands, one may use the low-resolution image from the website for personal use. Which I take to mean not for wholesale public posting, for sale, or for free dispensing as in a classroom... but perhaps I am entirely wrong as I found the Smithsonian's language re: permissions obscurely written. Anyway, thank you, am so glad I've found your wonderful blog!
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