As always feel free to use any of the images on my website in your artwork but please do not post or sell the original image on the web in a group or collection. If you use one in a project and post it to your site please link it back to here or leave a comment in the comments section of the image on this site so we can all enjoy. I love to see what you create. That is what inspires me to post and collect more vintage items.
Cora, thank you for the beautiful images! I love them.
Your blog is wonderful and I appreciate all the beautiful images you share with us.
Hugs, Debi
these are great...thank you. I agree with Debi...Love your blog!!!
Oh Cora, these are fabulous! You have such luck finding these gems. I so appreciate you sharing them!
I, too, love the clothing and hats of that period. I know it was a hard time to live, unless one had tons of money, but if I could be reincarnated, I would choose that era. The beaded dresses for opera and balls were fantastic designs!
Great images, thanks so much for sharing them. I'm a new follower and love your blog. Smiles, Carol Mae
Thank you for sharing-these images are wonderful!
I am so happy to have found your blog Cora. You have so many inspiring images I just love it! I used my first image that you'd posted a while back today. If you'd like to see it, here ya go .
Thanks for all you do! Rheannon
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