To my Friends: I have been a little sad lately because I am seeing more and more of my images on other peoples sites in their original form( I know they are mine because when I right click the image they have my titles). I realize that we all save vintage images from other people site and after awhile forget where we got them. I just don't post these original images on my blog . So I thought I should post about it before I get so discouraged that I stop posting vintage images. I would greatly appreciate it if you would direct them to this site for a copy of the image and not post the original on you site. This site is a labor of love. I post these images for artist to use in their artwork and then in return to share with us on this site. I love to collect the images to share with you. I spend every weekend in the spring and summer at Flea Markets searching for the perfect images to post here. Though these are not my original artwork, I do fix and rework each image so they are presentable to post here free of charge. Some of these are very damaged when I buy them. Also if you do happen to see one posted on someone elses site can you please post in their comment section that they can find more images here at Clearly Vintage. Thank you so much to all my loyal followers.
I am so sorry that this is happening to you. hopefully this announcement will help.....
Some people just don't want to be fair in this world. Sorry this his happening to you. I certainly hope you don't stop posting the vintage photos. I am currently making some cards from them and I would miss them terribly. I'll try to remember to send you a copy of my cards this time.
Well that just sucks! I just recently found your blog and love the images you share. I save them in a folder clearly marked "clearly vintage" and any cards I make using your images link right back to you. I can't understand why this would be hard for anyone to do!
That would be terribly discouraging! One bad apple spoils the whole barrel...isn't that the old saying.
I follow a blog that has several thousand followers...the blog owner realized that someone was just simply refeeding her ENTIRE blog to her own blog and passing it off as hers. She asked us to please comment on the blog owners post to please quick stealing her stuff...and it worked.
So, if you end up getting so discouraged and need a little help backing you up, let us know! I'm sure you're dedicated followers will help you out!
Cora...I am so very sorry this is happening to you! It only takes one to spoil it for all of us. I recently found a web site that had taken kits from my web site and was giving them away FREE as their own! And they didn't even change the names! Thank you for all you do and for sharing this labor of love. I do so appreciate what you do! Hugs.
I love the images you post. They are amazing. I hope you continue posting and that the people who are posting your images are more considerate in the future. I've yet to make anything with your images, but when I do (someday) I'll be sure to post back to your blog. Thanks for all your work. It is greatly appreciated.
I too am sorry this is happening to you. That is so rude, after all the work you go to.
So sorry this is happening! : {
Sorry that this is happening - I really appreciate your images and hope you will continue. I especially love these art deco ones so thanks for these
I'm sorry to hear this as well, Cora. I so appreciate your generosity and hard work putting these vintage images out to share. The Harper's Bazaar images are great!
Hello Cora,
You are a very nice lady, giving love like a good friend, to us, by sharing what you love the most, youre vintage image. You send bits and pieces of joy to me with them, and I am almost sure to many other people. I just want to say, it is appreciated a lot, and i am sad of what happen.
I'm so sorry you are going through this! I have been following your vintage images for a long while now and just found your blog, (now that I know what one is! LOL)The images inspire wonderful memories and I cherish them. Whenever I save an image from you I save it into a file marked with your name. That way when I finally get around to posting what I've used them on I know where they came from. Maybe others could do the same. I agree that we forget over time but if you save it with the name from the beginning you'll always remember. Thank you for all you do and the time it takes, I truly appreciate you!
Jen (http://thelazymac.blogspot.com)It's very new!
I am so sorry to hear this is happening to you Cora! You do a lot of hard work I know to provide these wonderful images for the rest of us to enjoy! I know early on I had a problem remembering WHERE I got some of my images but now anything I save from your blog goes into YOUR folder ... that way I know to give you credit for this amazing work! Thanks for all your efforts! Please know I appreciate it!!
And, if you ever need a fill in designer to create with your wonderful images ... feel free to contact me!!
Hi Cora
I know how much work is involved - so sorry some are misusing yours! Your suggestion is a very good one, to leave a comment if we see any on our travels. You can count on my support.
Thanks for everything!
Juno's Place
Cards by Carol
wonderful images. and so generous of you to share them with us! thank you.
I think I may have posted the originals at times to show the before and after. I will never post your original again, just what I do with it. I am sorry, I just didn't think.
I have so much fun with your images, I'd hate to see you stop!
I am sorry that people are being so disrespectable to your hard work! I have been on your site for hours this evening. I hope to make tons of links back to you; thank you for your time and effort!
Wonderful images and really appreciated. I found you today :) I also have a soft spot for vintage images, although so far haven't made anything, too scared to touch ;)
Copyright is always an issue. I've seen several images taken from for example Corel Draw etc catalogues and it is annoying seeing people claim the ownership. :(
Your site is beautiful and the history of images makes your blog even more interesting.
Thank you so much.
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