On the front of this first card the sender had written, Too bad we do not work in an office. It could be fun. I couldn't help but chuckle. Today this would be called harrassment.

As always feel free to use any of the images on my website in your artwork but please do not post or sell the original image on the web in a group or collection. If you use one in a project and post it to your site please link it back to here or leave a comment in the comments section of the image on this site so we can all enjoy. I love to see what you create. That is what inspires me to post and collect more vintage items.
Oh my! I had to do a double take on that office image. (I do work in an office.) Your Valentine images this week are so beautiful.
Oh my! How risque is that. HA! You certainly wouldn't see a Valentine card like that anymore. Fun stuff! Thanks for sharing. Blessings, Tammy
The office work image is such a hoot!
Now, I just have to figure out how to work that in to something!
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